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Brooksward Science Club Visit to Cranfield University and meeting Royalty!

Children from across the school attended an event at Cranfield University where they presented their ideas and designs for the car of the future.

They spent the day finding out about what the university has to offer; how aeroplanes are designed, about the development of a toilet for countries that do not have running water, transport through the ages and they even got to try out a driving simulator.

We were lucky enough to meet HRH The Duke of Kent who was intrigued by the children’s designs and asked them lots of questions about the luxuries they had included such as reclining chairs and personal servants. 

We had a fantastic day. Thank you to Cranfield University for hosting, and inviting us. – Mrs Dearn

This is what our some of our children had to say :

“The best part of the day was explaining our car to the Duke of Kent” –  Lucas

“I loved trying out the simulator and speaking to the Duke about my design” – Lily

“The best things were trying out the racing car simulator and speaking to the Duke about my design – Sergio

 “I enjoyed exploring the influential university which was full of old and new cars! I liked explaining my car design to the Duke of Kent. I also loved the free lunch!” – Gajieth

 “The best part of the trip was learning about the aeroplanes and how the toilets on the aeroplanes work. It was interesting and disgusting!” – Krish