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Brooksward is a Foundation school and, as such, is its own admissions authority. It caters for pupils from four (pupils must be five during the course of the academic year) to eleven. The defined area is Neath Hill, Pennyland plus northern Downhead Park.
The pupil admission number for Brooksward School is 45. This is the number of children who will be admitted in each year group to the school and depends on the amount of accommodation available at the school. As required by law, the Governing Body will not admit more than 30 pupils to any one Reception or Key Stage 1 class unless the 31st child is a twin, multiple birth or of armed forces personnel.

Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs naming Brooksward School will be given priority for admission in the normal round of admissions for children starting school for the first time or transferring at 7+.

The criteria apply to admissions of children who are:

  1. starting school for the first time in the year in which they are 5
  2. transferring at 7+
  3. requesting admission during the year for example those who have just moved into the area.

Places in any particular year group will be allocated in the following priority order:

  1. Children who are look after by English local authorities (LAC), including those who were previously looked after who immediately after being in care became subject to an adoption or residence or special guardianship order within the last year (PLAC), and children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (IAPLAC)
  2. Children of a member of staff who has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school was made or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a
    demonstrable skill shortage.
  3. Children who live in the defined area Neath Hill, Pennyland plus northern Downhead Park and have a sibling/s* who is/are on roll at the time of admission.Proof of permanent residence may be required.
  4. Children who live in the defined area Neath Hill, Pennyland plus northernDownhead Park. Proof of permanent residence may be required.
  5. Children who live outside the defined area but are younger siblings with a brother or sister on roll at the time of admission.
  6. Children who attend the on site private Nursery/Pre School.
  7. Children who live outside the defined area but name Brooksward as a preference.
  8. Children who live outside the defined area. area.

A sibling is a brother or sister, which for admission purposes means brothers and sisters of whole or half blood or any other child (including an adopted child) who permanently resides at the same address and for whom the parent also has parental responsibility.

Multiple Births

For admission to classes other than Key Stage 1, both twins would be admitted (or all siblings in the case of multiple births) even if this goes above the admission number for the school.

In the event of oversubscription, places will be awarded according to the criteria above as far as possible. In the event of a number of children being equally eligible according to these criteria, places will be allocated to those children whose home is closest to Brooksward School. This will be measured in a straight line measurement from the front door of the child’s home to the main entrance doors of the school using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system, with those living closest to the school receiving the higher priority.

Please note there is no automatic right to a place at Brooksward even if your child has a sibling attending the school.

More information on admission arrangements for Milton Keynes schools can be found at our Local Authority Schools page.

For all in year transfers please telephone the school office on 01908 605605 and we will be able to discuss your requirements further.