Please click on the link below to see our term dates
Holidays during term time will no longer be authorised. If you think that your child needs time off during term time please come and collect a Leave of Absence form from the office. Leave is granted for extenuating circumstances only.
Times of the Day
Brooksward School Day
Children arrive on playground | 08:30 |
Bell Rings | 08:40 |
Registration | 08:50 |
Morning break | 11:00 – 11:15 |
Lunchtime | 12:15 – 13:15 |
School Day ends | 15:15 |
The total length of the compulsory school week is 32.5 hours.
Teachers are on the premises early, but no member of staff is on duty until 8:40am and therefore we do not accept responsibility until this time.
We do run an onsite Breakfast Club from 7.45am which we charge £1.50 per day. You can book this provision via your Scopay account.
Pupils can enter the Key Stage 2 (Year 3-6) Riverside Building from 8:40. The bell rings at 8:40. At this point all children go into school. In Foundation and Key Stage 1 (Brookside Building) pupils line up and are collected by teachers.
Although we welcome parents coming into school, we do ask that this is done at the end of the day so that teachers are able to make preparations for the day ahead and so that lessons can begin promptly. If teachers are unable to speak to you, they will make arrangements to meet you at an alternative time.